Coffee-dependent regions are incredibly susceptible to fluctuations in market, political and climate conditions, which make them vulnerable to devastating set-backs and losses. For some farmers, the best road to sustainability is to supplement their income with, or convert totally to, other sources of income that help them hedge against economic vulnerability. CGC is working to identify lucrative and viable alternate enterprises that provide alternatives. We identify start-up resources and training to help establish these solutions as they are introduced.
By encouraging microenterprises based on products and services the community uses regularly, we help seed sources of growth that result in a positive economic multiplier effect that compliments economic gains through coffee farming and production.
By encouraging microenterprises based on products and services the community uses regularly, we help seed sources of growth that result in a positive economic multiplier effect that compliments economic gains through coffee farming and production.
In struggling communities reliant on coffee farming, poverty and poor nutrition go together. CGC has identified a solution that helps to solve both problems by helping dozens of familities start small chicken/egg enterprises that provide protein through plentiful eggs and income from the sale of surplus eggs. Committed families are provided with 14 hens, a rooster, shelter, supplies and training.
Pork is the go-to meat when it come to affordability and accessibility in the region we serve. CGC has initiated small-scale swine enterprises to make meat more plentiful in the community and to provide income to those who are having difficulty making a living through other means. CGC provides qualifying families with funds for two piglets with starter amount of food and supplements. Families who receive the piglets are trained and committed to selling mature hogs to supplement their income, expand their herd and help other families get started in raising hogs.
Vanilla is used around the globe for food and perfumes. The rich, aromatic product was introduced to the world by the Totonac people adjoining the Sierra Norte de Puebla region. Because of a world-wide shortage of vanilla, market prices have soared. CGC is partnering with a select number of farmers to establish commercially viable vanilla plantations that may allow farmers at low elevations to supplement or replace coffee farming with vanilla cultivation. As practices are refined and proven, they will be shared with more farmers to create a promising core of new economic growth.